Safe Sleeping Health Professionals
What is SIDS and Kids Safe Sleeping program?
The SIDS and Kids Safe Sleeping campaign is an evidence based campaign aiming to reduce the rates of SIDS deaths in Australia.
The campaign was developed following the Forum to review the risk factors for SIDS, March 1997, convened by the National SIDS Council of Australia (SIDS and Kids). This forum was attended by researchers, scientists, SIDS experts and pathologists from across Australia and internationally.
The forum was convened to review the evidence and guidelines on how to reduce the risk factors for SIDS. The product of this forum was the SIDS and Kids Safe Sleeping program.
To keep the program current SIDS and Kids has formed a National Scientific Advisory Group which has members from across Australia. This group also consults with international experts when required. For more information about this group please click here to go to the national site information.
There are four main messages in the campaign to reduce the risk of SIDS and fatal sleep accidents:
- Sleep baby on the back from birth and not on the tummy or the side
- Sleep baby with face uncovered
- Avoid exposing infants to cigarette smoke before birth and after
- Sleep baby in its own safe sleeping environment next to the parents bed for the first six to twelve months of life
Why is it important for Health Professionals to inform their patients about the program?
Health Professionals are often the first and most important point of contact for new parents. They model sleeping practices while the baby is in hospital and provide further information to parents once the baby is at home. Parents rely on Health Professionals to provide reliable information and all Health Professionals should be directing their patients to the SIDS and Kids Safe Sleeping Program.
Resources for Health Professionals
SIDS and Kids has literature available for Health Professionals both for their own reference and to give out to parents and others caring for infants. This literature includes:
For Health Professionals
Reducing the Risk of SIDS (Scientific Literature).
This booklet provides the evidence behind the SIDS and Kids guidelines.
The booklets are available in hard copy from local SIDS and Kids Victoria by phoning 1300 308 307.For New Parents
Safe Sleeping Easy Read Brochure (March 2012)
Indigenous brochure
Doorhanger(Nov 2007)
Copies of these materials can be sourced by calling SIDS and Kids Victoria on 1300 308 307.
ASK Online
The Australian SIDS and Kids Online Catalogue (ASK Online) is a bibliography citing the numerous articles on infant and perinatal death, SIDS and stillbirth, Safe Sleeping evidence and grief and bereavement contained in the library at SIDS and Kids. Most of the articles are available in full-text from your nearest medical library.
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More information for Health Professionals
If you have any further enquiries please contact
SIDS and Kids Victoria on 1300 308 307.